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Revival Mask – Braé
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Braé / Revival Mask

Revival Mask

Deep regenerative mask for severely damaged hair. Its active ingredients aid in hair fiber regeneration and form a protective cocoon around it, keeping the strands moisturized and protected.

Active ingredients with strong reconstructive capacity progressively regenerate all layers of the hair fiber, enabling strand regeneration and the restoration of healthy, smooth, lustrous locks.




  1. Apply the Revival Mask to clean, wet hair, lock by lock, starting at the ends;
  2. Massage it gently, until you reach the root. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes;
  3. Rinse. Finish as you see fit.

Ativos Principais / Main Active Ingredients

  • OJON OIL: rich in lipids, fatty acids, amino acids, and natural antioxidants, all of which help to maintain the hair’s health. It penetrates deeper into the strands and has a stronger effect on damaged hair since it regenerates hair cells.
  • AMINO ACIDS: are quaternary substances that make up the structure of hair proteins. When amino acids are lost, it is critical to replenish them since they are required in hair regeneration processes.
  • KERATIN PROTEIN: improves hair vitality. It has a high concentration of glycine, cystine, cysteine, and vital amino acids. It replenishes the strands’ bulk, allowing for consistent and healthy growth.
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