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Divine Mask – Braé
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Braé / Divine Mask

Divine Mask

Discover the moisturizing properties of DIVINE MASK for unruly hair with frizz that requires a prolonged slick effect. Deeply repairs the hair fiber and strands’ strength and suppleness, leaving them soft and luminous.

DIVINE MASK was created to restore strands that have been straightened and need water retention, instantly removing dryness and frizz while nourishing and regulating the moisture of the strands for noticeably healthier hair.



  1. Apply Divine Mask to clean, wet hair, streak by streak, starting at the ends and gently massaging all the way to the root;
  2. Gently massage until you reach the root. Leave on for 5 to 20 minutes. Rinse it off;
  3. Finish as you see fit.

Ativos Principais / Main Active Ingredients

  • PANTHENOL: works as a strong long-lasting moisturizer, keeping hydration in the hair and preventing split ends, mending and protecting it from roots to end tips.
  • COCONUT OIL: it contains the most comprehensive nutrients and restores balance to damaged hair.
  • PHYTOPROTECTIVE COMPLEX: the emollient and remineralizing cupuaçu, mango, and passion fruit extracts nourish, protect, and strengthen hair strands.
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